Audio of a program from WNET, New York public television affiliate, hosted by John Parsons highlighting the proceedings of the McKay Commission from April 24-26, 1972. Taped highlights include audio of retaking Attica with helicopter flying and voices projected over a sound system, students protesting, and John Parsons giving an overview of the proceedings. An unidentified person introduces the uprising and retaking video footage and photographs that the New York State Police took in September 1971. David Harrison, Commission staff member, gives a presentation on ammunition, weapons, and their use during the retaking.
Date Original
April 24 – 26 1972
New York State Archives. New York (State). Special Commission on Attica. Special Commission on Attica audiotapes and transcripts of commission hearings, 1972. B1341-12, Box 1, Item 9-1, 11.;1/4 inch open reel audiotape
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