Notice of Appeal of Mancusi in the matter of Akil Al-Jundi, et al. vs. Rockefeller, et al

Notice of Appeal of Mancusi in the matter of Akil Al-Jundi, et al. vs. Rockefeller, et al
Notice of Appeal of Vincent Mancusi in the matter of Akil Al-Jundi, et al. vs. The Estate of Nelson A. Rockefeller, et al. The Notice, dated July 2, 1990, appeals Judge Elfvin's Memorandum and Order of June 26, 1990. The Notice was prepared for the United States District Court, Western District of New York, by Richard E. Moot of Moot & Sprague, with a Certificate of Service, by Judith M. Bell, under the same date. Also attached is a transmittal letter, dated July 2, 1990, from the Deputy Clerk of the District Court with respect to filing forms required by the appeals court.
Document Date
July 2 1990
Al-Jundi, Akil
Bell, Judith M.
Berens, Jr., Donald P.
Blyden, Herbert X.
Cunningham, Dennis
Deutsch, Michael
Effron, Joshua
Elfvin, John T.
Fink, Elizabeth
Gorski, Julie B.
Maghran, Irving
Mancusi, Vincent
Moot, Richard
Rockefeller, Nelson A.
Rosenberg, Jerome
Stenger, John H.
Document Types
Court Documents
"New York State Department of Law special investigation files relating to the Attica uprising, circa 1971-2001. W0100-21."
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