Letter. Directors to Stuyvesant; increase of smuggling; New Amsterdam palisaded; printed ordinances; wampum the common currency in New Netherland, shells in Africa; damages for seizing ship New Netherland Fortune; Van der Donck; Melyn; Van der Capelle; Curaçao; leaden window frames; Esopus; W. Beeckman; Alrichs; block house at Oysterbay; Renselaerswyck; Lutherans; Staten Island; Stuyvesant severely censured; trade between New Netherland and France, &c., opened; Swedes on the Delaware; colors, drums, &c., for the burgher corps of New Amsterdam; two clergymen sent; rev. Polhemius; La Montagne; Tonneman; Van Ruyven; fines on sales of real estate; emigrants.
Date Original
February 13 1659
New York State Archives. New Netherland. Council. Dutch colonial administrative correspondence, 1646-1664. Series A1810. Volume 13.
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