Index to enrolled decrees, 1712-1799

Index to enrolled decrees, 1712-1799
This index to the enrolled decrees in Chancery Decrees and Papers Before 1800, 1684-1800 (series J0065) is arranged by name of complainant. Each entry in this volume contains the name of complainant and defendant along with a file number. The majority of the decrees indexed were issued between 1787 and 1799. The volume indexes only the enrolled decrees found in Chancery Decrees and Papers Before 1800 (series J0065); it does not index final orders in non-adversarial cases commenced by petition, nor does it index the other filed parchments and papers found in series J0065.
Date Original
1712 – 1799
New York (State). Court of Chancery. Index to enrolled decrees before 1800, 1712-1799 (J0066)
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