Letter from rev. Hermanus Blom to director Stuyvesant

Letter from rev. Hermanus Blom to director Stuyvesant
Letter from rev. Hermanus Blom to director Stuyvesant
Letter from rev. Hermanus Blom to director Stuyvesant
Letter from rev. Hermanus Blom to director Stuyvesant
Letter. Rev. Hermanus Blom to director Stuyvesant, requesting the name of the consistory, that the 7th of June be annually observed at the Esopus as a day of Thanksgiving, in commemoration of the escape of so many persons from the Indian massacre on that day.
Date Original
May 6 1664
New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial administrative correspondence, 1646-1664. Series A1810-78. Volume 15.
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