Memorandum of order by Governor Nicolls to Peter Stuyvesant and Cornelius van Ruyant

Memorandum of order by Governor Nicolls to Peter Stuyvesant and Cornelius van Ruyant
Memorandum of order by Governor Nicolls to Peter Stuyvesant and Cornelius van Ruyant
Memorandum of order by Governor Nicolls to Peter Stuyvesant and Cornelius van Ruyant
Memorandum of Governor Nicolls's order to Peter Stuyvesant and Cornelius van Ruyant, attorneys of the West India company, to render an account of what they have in their hands belonging to that company.
Date Original
December 24 1664
New York State Archives, New York (Colony). Council. Council papers, 1664-1781. Series A1894-78, Volume 22, p.1a.
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