April 4. Amsterdam. Letter. Directors to Stuyvesant ; address letters to the colonists ; proclamation against traffic in munitions of war ; proposed league with the English against Indians ; colonists allowed to import negroes into New Netherland ; children to be sent thither from orphan asylums ; English privateers seize Dutch ships ; reprisals ; New Netherland bureau established ; checks for abuses in land granting ; part of Staten island sold ; conflicts between the purchases of baron Van der Capelle and Mr. Van Werckhoven at the Raritan ; New Amsterdam incorporated ; public school, Jan La Montagne principal ; case of the ship New Netherland Fortune ; war between the Mohawks and Canada Indians ; Fort Orange ; Van Twiller ; sheep ; South river ; forts Nassau and Casimir ; Hartford treaty ; boundary ; rev. S. Drisius ; rev. Mr. Grasmeer.
Date Original
April 4 1652
New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial administrative correspondence, 1646-1664. Series A1810-78. Volume 11, document 53, page 1, side 1.
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