Personal document, 1772

Personal document, 1772
Personal document, 1772
Nonsensical, humurous short writing that appears on the reverse of listing of acreage. The handwriting matches that of John Leake, and mentions a girl who will be "standing in Mr. Leake's pew". There is also a fragment of a list labeled "Number" for one column and "Quantuty of acres" for a second column. The "number" presumably referred to lot numbers, and matches the handwriting of John Leake, as does the humorous short writing on the reverse side.
Date Original
March 11 1772
New York State Archives, New York State Engineer and Surveyor. Records of Surveys and Maps of State Lands, 1686-1892. Series A4016-77, Volume 7, Folder 140, Item e.
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Geographic Locations

New York