Map showing the Erie Canal in Lyons Falls Terminus, at the meeting of the Black River and the Moose River

Map showing the Erie Canal in Lyons Falls Terminus, at the meeting of the Black River and the Moose River
Map showing the Erie Canal in Lyons Falls Terminus, at the meeting of the Black River and the Moose River
Map showing the Erie Canal in Lyons Falls Terminus, at the meeting of the Black River and the Moose River
The map features multiple detailed drawings, including people, buildings and business. One sketch shows three figures fishing from a guideboat. The sketch is labelled "Col. Seymour Goodsell and French having a good time of it" and features a brightly color pennant or flag flying, labelled "Three neckties and an old red flannel drawers." Jonas Platt Goodsell was Resident Engineer for the canal system in Albany from 1850-1853.
Date Original
Vaughan, David (Artist)
New York State Archives. New York (State). State Engineer and Surveyor. Map and plan books of the location and construction of the state's canal system. Series B0292-85, Vol. 71, #21.
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