Men stand in barrels lined against the back wall of a room at A. Bowsky & Son, a fur dresser located at 22 E. 51st St. in New York City. An investigator describes the scene, "The furs are placed in barrels and covered with saw dust. The men tread the furs with their bare feet so as to make them soft and pliable. The work is very dusty and exhausting." In the foreground, a man seated on a stool holds a fur. His attire of white shirt, bow tie, watch chain and suspenders indicate that he may be the owner or a supervisor. A white hat lies on a nearby stool. The same man also appears in image NYSA_A3029-78_B2_F2, "Fur dresser: men at machinery."
Date Original
New York State Archives. Factory Investigating Commission. Glass plate negatives and photographic prints of factory and housing conditions. 1911-1912. A3029-78, Box 3, Folder 8.
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