Letter from John G. Leake to Robert W. Leake, 1772

Letter from John G. Leake to Robert W. Leake, 1772
Letter from John G. Leake to Robert W. Leake, 1772
Letter from John G. Leake to Robert W. Leake, 1772
Letter from John G. Leake to Robert W. Leake, 1772
Part one of four of a letter from John Leake to Robert Leake, primarily discussing their father’s purchase of Col. Hoffman’s country home, and other personal matters as well.

Part two of four of a letter from John Leake to Robert Leake, primarily discussing their father’s purchase of Col. Hoffman’s country home, and other personal matters as well. Side two discusses events in England, specifically the recent "disgrace" of the Duke of Cumberland, who had married a commoner, and future marriages within the royal family.

Part three of four of a letter from John Leake to Robert Leake, primarily discussing their father’s purchase of Col. Hoffman’s country home, and other personal matters as well. Side three is the address of Robert W. Leake and John G. Leake's seal.

Part four of four of a letter from John Leake to Robert Leake, primarily discussing their father’s purchase of Col. Hoffman’s country home, and other personal matters as well. Side four containes John Leake's signature and the date of the letter.
Date Original
March 23 1772
New York State Archives, New York State Engineer and Surveyor. Records of Surveys and Maps of State Lands, 1686-1892. Series A4016-77, Volume 7, Folder 129, Item d.
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Geographic Locations

New York