Letter from John G. Leake to Robert W. Leake, 1772

Letter from John G. Leake to Robert W. Leake, 1772
Letter from John G. Leake to Robert W. Leake, 1772
Side one of a letter from John G. Leake to Robert W. Leake discussing an agreement with Mr. Lansingh over a piece of property. John Leake also discusses the health of their parents and other familial issues.

Side two of a letter from John G. Leake to Robert W. Leake. The letter's principle subject is an agreement with Mr. Lansingh over a piece of property. Side two of the letter primarily concerns familial issues. John Leake stated: "Our parents enjoy as much health as they have done at any time this Summer."
Date Original
August 5 1772
Leake, John G.
New York State Archives, New York State Engineer and Surveyor. Records of Surveys and Maps of State Lands, 1686-1892. Series A4016-77, Volume 7, Folder 129, Item a.
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Geographic Locations

New York