Letter from James Brown to the New York Congress, 1776

Letter from James Brown to the New York Congress, 1776
Letter from James Brown to the New York Congress, 1776
A letter from James Brown informing the Congress that he had seized lands belonging to Robert Leake, as well as Leake's neighbors, William and Thomas Lamson. The letter cited that Leake had been "personally warned" to report for duty (in the Continental Army), and that his failure to do so "authorized and commanded" the Congress to seize Leake's "goods and chattels." Side two is addressed to the Congress and is also labeled "R. Leake" and "Warrant".
Date Original
August 31 1776
New York State Archives, New York State Engineer and Surveyor. Records of Surveys and Maps of State Lands, 1686-1892. Series A4016-77, Volume 10, Folder 98, item a
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Geographic Locations

Rensselaer County