15th Regiment: Initial Muster Roll of Sanitary Detachment, Camp Whitman, July 15 - 25, 1917, pp. 1-4.

15th Regiment: Initial Muster Roll of Sanitary Detachment, Camp Whitman, July 15 - 25, 1917, pp. 1-4.
15th Regiment: Initial Muster Roll of Sanitary Detachment, Camp Whitman, July 15 - 25, 1917, pp. 1-4.
15th Regiment: Initial Muster Roll of Sanitary Detachment, Camp Whitman, July 15 - 25, 1917, pp. 1-4.
15th Regiment: Initial Muster Roll of Sanitary Detachment, Camp Whitman, July 15 - 25, 1917, pp. 1-4.
15th Regiment: Initial Muster Roll of Sanitary Detachment, Camp Whitman, July 15 - 25, 1917, pp. 1-4.
Blank forms found in muster rolls have not been digitized. For ease of reference, page numbers have been assigned.

Bi-monthly muster rolls registering officers and enlisted men from New York National Guard units into the U.S. Army. The muster rolls are pre-printed sheets in columnar form. The format for the cover of some of the muster rolls varies from a separate cover sheet to one with instructions on the front for filling out the muster roll forms. Both formats list the company, regiment and inclusive dates for the roll (from the date of the last bimonthly muster). The majority of the information is entered in typescript, although there are some manuscript entries. Following the "cover" page, consecutive pages provide four columns for recording the following types of data: the names and ranks of those present and absent according to rank; date enlisted or commissioned; check marks if present or absent; and remarks. On the last page that provides data, there is space at the bottom for the commanding officer and the inspecting and mustering officer to certify that the data is accurate.
Date Original
1917 – 1919
Accession No. B0814-85, Adjutant General's Office, Muster Rolls of New York National Guard units that served in the US Army during WWI, 1917-1918, Box 3, Volume G.
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Geographic Locations

New York