Map of a certain tract of land in Westchester County, commonly called the East Patent. Map #416

Map of a certain tract of land in Westchester County, commonly called the East Patent. Map #416
Map of a certain tract of land in Westchester County, commonly called the East Patent. Granted to Robert Walters and others, as the same is divided into lots pursuant to an act of the Lieut. Governor, the Council and General Assembly of the Colony of New York, passed January 8th, 1762, entitled "An act for more effectual collecting His Majesty's Quit Rents in the Colony of New York, and Partition of Lands in order thereto." Nathaniel Merritt, Surveyor.

Map of part of a tract of land in Westchester County. Granted by letters patent under the great seal of the colony of New York, hearing date, the 14th day of February, 1701-02, to Robert Walters and others, which remains unsold, and contains 4,151 acres. Is divided into sixteen lots, pursuant to the acts above mentioned, by Nathaniel Merritt, Surveyor.
Date Original
1701 – 1762
Merritt, Nathaniel (surveyor)
New York State Archives. New York (State). State Engineer and Surveyor. Survey maps of lands in New York State, ca. 1711-1913. Series A0273-78, Map #416.
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Geographic Locations

Westchester County