Indian deed to Capt. Edward Clark of land on both sides of the Schoharie creek, 1738

Indian deed to Capt. Edward Clark of land on both sides of the Schoharie creek, 1738
Indian deed to Capt. Edward Clark of land on both sides of the Schoharie creek, 1738
Indian deed to Capt. Edward Clark, of all those two certain tracts of land, lying on both sides of the Schoharie creek, one beginning at the bounds of Walter Butler's land, and extending to the great falls, about 7 miles in length and one in breadth, the other lies at the north end of land lately sold by the Indians to Walter Butler, on both sides of the Stone creek, and contains about 100 acres.
Date Original
October 20 1738
New York State Archives. Dept. of State. Applications for land grants, 1642-1803. A0272-78, Volume 13, page 2.
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