Montour Glen (Location Uncertain), Schuyler County

Montour Glen (Location Uncertain), Schuyler County
View of Montour, or Havana, Glen from ground level at the bottom of a waterfall (exact location uncertain, possibly Upper Pool and Cascade?). One person, a female of uncertain age, stands at the bottom of the waterfall on the far side of the pool. There appears to be three other people on the near side. The bedrock is sandstone and shale dating from the Devonian Period. (Devonian Period: the span of the Earth's history from about 408 to 360 million years ago.)
Date Original
New York State Archives. Education Dept. Division of Visual Instruction. Instructional lantern slides, 1911-1925, A3045-78, DnCM7
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Geographic Locations

Finger Lakes
Schuyler County