Ruins of Fort Amherst (Crown Point) looking toward the Lake

Ruins of Fort Amherst (Crown Point) looking toward the Lake
Exterior view of the ruins of the barracks at Crown Point on Lake Champlain. Windows, doorways, and chimneys still remain on the crumbling ruins of a long, stone building. A man stands next to the near end of the building. Grazing cows, a flagpole, and Lake Champlain are visible behind the building. Originally named Fort Amherst, Crown Point was a British fort constructed in 1759 near the site of the French Fort Saint-Frédéric, which was destroyed earlier the same year in the French and Indian War. Crown Point was captured by the Green Mountain Boys in the Revolutionary War.
Date Original
1895 – circa 1910
New York State Archives. Education Dept. Division of Visual Instruction. Instructional lantern slides, 1911-1925, A3045-78, Lantern slide D47_ChF, Box 5
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Geographic Locations

Essex County