Petition of Hilletie van Olinda for a tract of land, 1704

Petition of Hilletie van Olinda for a tract of land, 1704
Petition of Hilletie van Olinda for a tract of land, 1704
Petition of Hilletie van Olinda, praying a patent for a tract of woodland, known by the Indian name of Dewaethoeiacocks, lying on the south side of the Maquase river, being bounded on the north side by Killian Van Renslear's patent; on the west by the patent of Peter Hendrick de Haes; easterly down along the said river, by the Kahoos or Great falls, containing about 400 acres.
Date Original
October 24 1704
New York State Archives. Dept. of State. Applications for land grants, 1642-1803. A0272-78, Volume 4, page 27a, side 1.
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