Resolution of the chamber of the W. I. Company, at Amsterdam, referring to the commissioners for New Netherland, a petition of Wouter van Twiller to be allowed to dispose of lands in that country which he had purchased from the Indians, and had caused to be improved, the alienation whereof the authorities in New Netherland were ordered not to permit. [1641]
Release by the directors of the W. I. Company at Amsterdam, to Wouter van Twiller of the rent and sixth sheaf which he was bound to pay for the lease of the company's bouwery, on the island of Manhattan. [1642]
Date Original
April 11 1641
New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Secretary of the Province. Register of the Provincial Secretary, 1642-1660. Series A0270-78. Volume 3, documents 61b, page 2 - 61c-d, side 2.
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