Dutch colonial council minutes, 11 - 24 February 1648

Dutch colonial council minutes, 11 - 24 February 1648
Dutch colonial council minutes, 11 - 24 February 1648
Resolution. In regard to the aforesaid van de Bogaert. [1648] (page 361)

Order. For the examination of the person of Maria Barents, whom William Gilford is accused with having violated. [1648] (page 361)

Order. On a petition of the Nine men. [1648] (page 361)

Sentence. William Gilford, for an attempt at rape on Maria Barents, at the house of Isaac Allerton, to be publicly whipped and forever banished. [1648] (page 362)
Date Original
February 11 – 24 1648
New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809-78. Volume 4, page 361-362.
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