Order. Determining the rations of the men on board the company's ships in New Netherland. [1647] (page 289)
Ordinance. Against the sale of beer or other strong liquors, on Sundays, before two o'clock, when there is no sermon, otherwise before four o'clock ; and on any day, after the ringing of the bell, i.e., nine o'clock, p. m. ; also against drawing a knife or sword, or inflicting wounds therewith, "agreeably to the laudable ordinance of the most wise and worshipful council of the city of Amsterdam." [1647] (page 289)
Resolution. To subject Michel Picquet to torture, at seven o'clock of the morning of the 15th June, as he remains obstinate and headstrong, and to notify him thereof. [1647] (page 290)
Sentence. Cornelis Symonsz, alias the Boer, and Gerrit Philipsen, sailors, for tearing down the ordinance affixed to the mainmast, prohibiting seaman going ashore, or remaining there over night, and other misdemeanors: to be chained to a wheel- or hand-barrow, and employed at hard labor, for three months, on bread and water. [1647] (page 290)
Queries submitted to the commissioners appointed to investigate the differences between the Hon. Mr. Kieft and Jochim Pietersen (Kuyter) and Cornelis Melyn, respecting the proper action to be taken on a petition presented by the latter, praying that the members of the late council be examined on certain interrogatories. [1647] (page 291)
Answer of director Stuyvesant to the above. [1647] (page 292)
Date Original
May 31 – June 14 1647
New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809-78. Volume 4, page 289-292.
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