Court proceedings. Jellitje, wife of Gerrit Douman, vs. Elke Jans, theft ; plaintiff put her money in the cradle when she and her husband went to church, leaving Elke in the house ; when they returned, the money was gone ; defendant denies having taken the money, and is released on her own security ; case postponed. Fiscal vs. Hendrick Kip's wife, for calling the director and council false judges, and the fiscal a forsworn fiscal ; Hendrick Kip states that his wife has been so upset, and so out of health, ever since Maryn Adriaensen's attempt to murder the director-general, that when disturbed in the least, she knows not what she does ; Mrs. Kip denies the charge; parties ordered to produce evidence on both sides. John Underhill vs. Jan Hadduwe (? Hathaway), for slandering plaintiff's daughter ; defendant declares that he knows nothing of plaintiffs daughter but what is honorable and virtuous, and is ordered to acknowledge, in the presence of Debora, the plaintiffs daughter, that he did wrong, and to ask her pardon ; defendant begs Mr. Underbill's pardon in court, and is condemned to pay costs. Thomas Spicer vs. Thomas Sandersen ; plaintiff complains that defendant keeps him out of his land, threatens his life, abuses him as a rogue and villain, and shot one of his goats ; court decrees that the first time Thomas Spicer, or any of the neighbors, is insulted, defendant shall be banished from the Plain ; the damages complained of to be assessed by arbitrators. Jonas Wood vs. Pietertje, wife of Claes Jansen, action to recover a balance due on two cows ; judgment for plaintiff, on condition that he give security to repay the money if defendant's husband prove that plaintiff had kept the cows 6 to 7 weeks longer than he promised. [1646] (page 278-279)
Evidence in the case of Elke Jans, accused of having stolen Jellitje Douman's money. [1646] (page 279)
Date Original
December 17 – 28 1646
New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809-78. Volume 4, page 278-279.
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