Dutch colonial council minutes, 2 August 1646

Dutch colonial council minutes, 2 August 1646
Judgment Referring to Holland the case of Jan de Fries, who is charged with having associated with the enemies of the government and calumniators of the chief magistracy, calling the director a liar in presence of the council, and attempting to strike him, assaulting councillor La Montagne, for all which he had been already cashiered ; afterwards speaking disparagingly of the director, and declaring that he spat on any commission issued by him, addressing derisive papers to the court, and excepting to the judges ; prisoner ordered to sail in the first ship, to justify his conduct. [1646]
Date Original
August 2 1646
New York State Archives. New York (Colony). Council. Dutch colonial council minutes, 1638-1665. Series A1809-78. Volume 4, page 265.
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