Gov's CSEA Bill

Gov's CSEA Bill
Governor Nelson Rockefeller signing the Public Employees Fair Employment Act, more commonly known as the Taylor Law, 1967. The law was the first comprehensive labor relations law covering public employees (at both the state and local levels) in New York. The law was named for labor researcher George W. Taylor.

Depicted, left to right: CSEA President Joseph Felly, aide Harry Albright, NYS budget director Norman Hurd, Lieutenant Governor Malcolm Wilson, Attorney General Louis Lefkowitz, Civil Service Commission chair Ersa Poston, CSEA President-elect Theodore Wenzl.
Date Original
April 27 1967
Thayer (photographer)
New York State Archives. New York (State). Governor. Public information photographs, 1910-1992. Series 13703-83, Box 15, No. 1314 (Job #2-364).
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Geographic Locations

New York