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LETTER from Wilhelmus Volckeringh, domine on Curaçao, to Petrus Stuyvesant
LETTER from Wilhelmus Volckeringh, domine on Curaçao, to Petrus Stuyvesant

LETTER from Balthazar Stuyvesant to Nicolaes Bayard at Manhattan
LETTER from Balthazar Stuyvesant to Nicolaes Bayard at Manhattan

REGISTER of goods loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
REGISTER of goods loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland

LETTER from Wilhelmus Volckeringh, domine on Curaçao, to Gerrit van Tricht, merchant on Manhattan
LETTER from Wilhelmus Volckeringh, domine on Curaçao, to Gerrit van Tricht, merchant on Manhattan

INVENTORY of papers sent to Petrus Stuyvesant
INVENTORY of papers sent to Petrus Stuyvesant

ACCOUNT (debit-credit) of Balthazar Stuyvesant
ACCOUNT (debit-credit) of Balthazar Stuyvesant

LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to Petrus Stuyvesant
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to Petrus Stuyvesant

LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director in Curaçao to the councillors of New Netherland
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director in Curaçao to the councillors of New Netherland

PROCLAMATION issued by Matthias Beck authorizing the capture of Lourens Prins, captain of an English frigate, who ordered the plundering of Bonaire
PROCLAMATION issued by Matthias Beck authorizing the capture of Lourens Prins, captain of an English frigate, who ordered the plundering of Bonaire

LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao, to Petrus Stuyvesant
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao, to Petrus Stuyvesant

RECEIPT of provisions and materials received from New Netherland
RECEIPT of provisions and materials received from New Netherland

INVENTORY of papers sent to Petrus Stuyvesant
INVENTORY of papers sent to Petrus Stuyvesant

MEMORANDUM of necessities for Curaçao
MEMORANDUM of necessities for Curaçao

LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to Petrus Stuyvesant and the council of New Netherland
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to Petrus Stuyvesant and the council of New Netherland

LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director in Curaçao to the councillors of New Netherland
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director in Curaçao to the councillors of New Netherland

Copy of Document 92
Copy of Document 92

CHARTER of a captured English ship by Admiral de Ruyter to transport goods from Goree to Dutch fortress El Mina
CHARTER of a captured English ship by Admiral de Ruyter to transport goods from Goree to Dutch fortress El Mina

Copy of Document 88
Copy of Document 88

Copy of Document 89
Copy of Document 89

MINUTE of the war council of Admiral de Ruyter's squadron concerning the terms granted English merchant ships captured at Goree on the coast of Africa
MINUTE of the war council of Admiral de Ruyter's squadron concerning the terms granted English merchant ships captured at Goree on the coast of Africa

JOURNAL extracts concerning English actions along the coast of Guinea
JOURNAL extracts concerning English actions along the coast of Guinea

LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director in Curaçao, to Petrus Stuyvesant
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director in Curaçao, to Petrus Stuyvesant

BILL OF LADING for 300 enslaved individuals loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
BILL OF LADING for 300 enslaved individuals loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland

LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director in Curaçao, to the directors in Amsterdam
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director in Curaçao, to the directors in Amsterdam

MANIFEST of goods loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
MANIFEST of goods loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland

MEMORANDUM of necessities for Curaçao.
MEMORANDUM of necessities for Curaçao.

MANIFEST of sugar loaded at St. Christopher for New Netherland
MANIFEST of sugar loaded at St. Christopher for New Netherland

ACCOUNT (debit-credit) of Jacob Jansen Huys, skipper of De Vergulde Vos
ACCOUNT (debit-credit) of Jacob Jansen Huys, skipper of De Vergulde Vos

Copy of Document 73
Copy of Document 73

BOND of Dirck Jansen van Oldenborgh securing payment of 150 pieces of eight to Petrus Stuyvesant
BOND of Dirck Jansen van Oldenborgh securing payment of 150 pieces of eight to Petrus Stuyvesant

Copy of Document 72
Copy of Document 72

MANIFEST of cloth loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
MANIFEST of cloth loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland

ACCOUNT (debit-credit) of Dirck Jansen van Oldenborgh, skipper of De Nieuw Nederlantse Indiaen, with a draft on Petrus Stuyvesant for payment of balance to the aforesaid skipper
ACCOUNT (debit-credit) of Dirck Jansen van Oldenborgh, skipper of De Nieuw Nederlantse Indiaen, with a draft on Petrus Stuyvesant for payment of balance to the aforesaid skipper

BOND of Captain John Allen securing his debt to Matthias Beck
BOND of Captain John Allen securing his debt to Matthias Beck

ACCOUNT (debit-credit) of Captain John Allen
ACCOUNT (debit-credit) of Captain John Allen

BILL OF LADING for forty enslaved individuals loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
BILL OF LADING for forty enslaved individuals loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland

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