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103 Objects

Complaint against Jurriaen Theunissen and Marcelis Jansen
Complaint against Jurriaen Theunissen and Marcelis Jansen

Actions for debt; appointment of Claes van den Bosch to be joint beer carrier with Theunis Jacobsen and his oath of office
Actions for debt; appointment of Claes van den Bosch to be joint beer carrier with Theunis Jacobsen and his oath of office

Actions for debt; Albert Gysbersen against Maria Goosens; Lyntje Adamsen against Engeltje Hendricksen
Actions for debt; Albert Gysbersen against Maria Goosens; Lyntje Adamsen against Engeltje Hendricksen

Jan Hendricksen de Bruyn vs. Jannetie, wife of Evert the baker; actions for debt.
Jan Hendricksen de Bruyn vs. Jannetie, wife of Evert the baker; actions for debt.

Actions for debt
Actions for debt

Actions: William Teller against Jacob Thyssen and Cornelis Theunissen Bosch; Dirckie Martensen against Jochern Kittelheym; judgment for Daniel Rinckhout against Jan Fransen Van Hoesen
Actions: William Teller against Jacob Thyssen and Cornelis Theunissen Bosch; Dirckie Martensen against Jochern Kittelheym; judgment for Daniel Rinckhout against Jan Fransen Van Hoesen

Actions for debt; complaints against Lambert Albertsen van Neck, Jurriaen Theunesen, Cornelis Theunissen Bosch, Hendrick de Backer
Actions for debt; complaints against Lambert Albertsen van Neck, Jurriaen Theunesen, Cornelis Theunissen Bosch, Hendrick de Backer

Complaint against Hendrick Andriessen
Complaint against Hendrick Andriessen

Complaint against Adriaen Jansen
Complaint against Adriaen Jansen

Action of slander of Isaac de Haen against Jacob Tysen; complaint against Philip Hendricksen
Action of slander of Isaac de Haen against Jacob Tysen; complaint against Philip Hendricksen

Action of Dirck Jansen Croon against David Pietersen and Gysbert Jansen
Action of Dirck Jansen Croon against David Pietersen and Gysbert Jansen

Answer to proposals of Seneca Nation
Answer to proposals of Seneca Nation

Proposals of Seneca Nation
Proposals of Seneca Nation

Ordinance for the regulation of the indigenous trade at Fort Orange
Ordinance for the regulation of the indigenous trade at Fort Orange

Complaints against various citizens for going to the woods or employing Dutchmen as brokers to trade there with the indigenous peoples
Complaints against various citizens for going to the woods or employing Dutchmen as brokers to trade there with the indigenous peoples

Order to vice-director La Montagne, Sander Leendertsen, Jan Verbeeck, Frans Barentsen Pastoor, and Evert Jansen Wendel to visit the woods and fine all traders and Dutch brokers whom they may find
Order to vice-director La Montagne, Sander Leendertsen, Jan Verbeeck, Frans Barentsen Pastoor, and Evert Jansen Wendel to visit the woods and fine all traders and Dutch brokers whom they may find

Actions for debt
Actions for debt

Ordinance prohibiting the employment of Christians as brokers among the indigenous peoples
Ordinance prohibiting the employment of Christians as brokers among the indigenous peoples

Advice and opinions of the several magistrates on proposals on employment of Dutch brokers in the woods
Advice and opinions of the several magistrates on proposals on employment of Dutch brokers in the woods

Proposals of the Mohawks protesting against the employment of Dutch brokers in the woods
Proposals of the Mohawks protesting against the employment of Dutch brokers in the woods

Order on a petition that Dutch brokers may be employed to trade with the indigenous peoples
Order on a petition that Dutch brokers may be employed to trade with the indigenous peoples

Petition of several citizens that Dutch as well as indigenous brokers may be employed to trade with indigenous peoples
Petition of several citizens that Dutch as well as indigenous brokers may be employed to trade with indigenous peoples

Minute of the presentation of a petition that the indigenous trade may be free, and that Dutch as well as indigenous brokers may be employed
Minute of the presentation of a petition that the indigenous trade may be free, and that Dutch as well as indigenous brokers may be employed

Order permitting the inhabitants of the town to employ indigenous brokers
Order permitting the inhabitants of the town to employ indigenous brokers

Action of Adriaen Jansen against Wynant Gerritsen (Van de Poel), attorney of the widow of Abraham Vosburg
Action of Adriaen Jansen against Wynant Gerritsen (Van de Poel), attorney of the widow of Abraham Vosburg

Complaint against Volckert Jansen, William Brouwer, Jan van Aken and others for having employed an indigenous person to bring other indigenous peoples to sell their furs to them
Complaint against Volckert Jansen, William Brouwer, Jan van Aken and others for having employed an indigenous person to bring other indigenous peoples to sell their furs to them

Sentence of Jan Harmsen
Sentence of Jan Harmsen

Complaint against Jan Harmsen
Complaint against Jan Harmsen

Actions for debt; Cornelis Theunissen and Jacob Thysen against William Teller
Actions for debt; Cornelis Theunissen and Jacob Thysen against William Teller

Ordinance directing that no brokers be allowed in the indigenous trade, but the indigenous peoples be allowed to offer their beavers for sale in town
Ordinance directing that no brokers be allowed in the indigenous trade, but the indigenous peoples be allowed to offer their beavers for sale in town

Votes and opinions of the magistrates on the petition that only indigenous brokers be allowed in the indigenous trade
Votes and opinions of the magistrates on the petition that only indigenous brokers be allowed in the indigenous trade

Petition of several citizens, on behalf of the commonalty legally assembled, that only indigenous brokers be allowed in the indigenous trade
Petition of several citizens, on behalf of the commonalty legally assembled, that only indigenous brokers be allowed in the indigenous trade

Actions for debt and for slander; sentence of Jannetje, wife of Evert the baker
Actions for debt and for slander; sentence of Jannetje, wife of Evert the baker

Inauguration of the new magistrates for the ensuing year; oath of office
Inauguration of the new magistrates for the ensuing year; oath of office

Sundry actions for debt
Sundry actions for debt

Actions for debt; Jan van Hoesem's wife against Eva Rinckhout
Actions for debt; Jan van Hoesem's wife against Eva Rinckhout

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