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RECEIPT of Pedro Diez Tzorrilla to Matthias Beck for sixty-two enslaved individuals
RECEIPT of Pedro Diez Tzorrilla to Matthias Beck for sixty-two enslaved individuals

LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to the directors in Amsterdam
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to the directors in Amsterdam

LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to Petrus Stuyvesant
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to Petrus Stuyvesant

LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to the directors in Amsterdam
LETTER from Matthias Beck, vice-director of Curaçao to the directors in Amsterdam

BILL OF LADING for salt loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
BILL OF LADING for salt loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland

ACCOUNT of provisions purchased by Captain John Allen of New England
ACCOUNT of provisions purchased by Captain John Allen of New England

BILL OF LADING for 224 pieces of eight sent to Petrus Stuyvesant
BILL OF LADING for 224 pieces of eight sent to Petrus Stuyvesant

BILL OF LADING for twenty enslaved individuals loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
BILL OF LADING for twenty enslaved individuals loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland

MANIFEST of animals and provisions loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
MANIFEST of animals and provisions loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland

RECEIPT of provisions and materials from Jacob Jansz Huys, skipper of the Nieuw Amstel
RECEIPT of provisions and materials from Jacob Jansz Huys, skipper of the Nieuw Amstel

LIST of the officers and crew aboard Den Eijckenboom
LIST of the officers and crew aboard Den Eijckenboom

LIST of passengers leaving Curaçao for New Netherland aboard Den Eijckenboom and Nieuw Amstel
LIST of passengers leaving Curaçao for New Netherland aboard Den Eijckenboom and Nieuw Amstel

LETTER from Hendrick Martens, commander at Aruba, to Petrus Stuyvesant
LETTER from Hendrick Martens, commander at Aruba, to Petrus Stuyvesant

LETTER from Hendrick Martens, commander at Aruba, to Petrus Stuyvesant
LETTER from Hendrick Martens, commander at Aruba, to Petrus Stuyvesant

BILL OF LADING for twenty-two horses loaded at Aruba for New Netherland
BILL OF LADING for twenty-two horses loaded at Aruba for New Netherland

BILL OF LADING for fifty horses loaded at Aruba for New Netherland
BILL OF LADING for fifty horses loaded at Aruba for New Netherland

BILL OF LADING for ten enslaved individuals loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland
BILL OF LADING for ten enslaved individuals loaded at Curaçao for New Netherland

ACCOUNT (debit-credit) of Dirck Jansen, skipper of De Nieuw Nederlantse Indiaen
ACCOUNT (debit-credit) of Dirck Jansen, skipper of De Nieuw Nederlantse Indiaen

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