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159 Objects

decade: series: year:
Power of attorney from Gerrit Jansen to Willem de Key to receive money due him by the West India Company
Power of attorney from Gerrit Jansen to Willem de Key to receive money due him by the West India Company

Power of attorney from David Provoost to the heirs of Jochem Botjes and Jan Cornelissen to receive money due him by the West India Company
Power of attorney from David Provoost to the heirs of Jochem Botjes and Jan Cornelissen to receive money due him by the West India Company

Certificate that Margarita Provoost was living on June 12, 1647
Certificate that Margarita Provoost was living on June 12, 1647

Certificate that Margarita Provoost was living on June 12, 1648
Certificate that Margarita Provoost was living on June 12, 1648

Assignment by David Provoost of his claim against the West India Company
Assignment by David Provoost of his claim against the West India Company

Power of attorney for David Provoost to Gillis Verbrugge to receive certain annuities in Holland
Power of attorney for David Provoost to Gillis Verbrugge to receive certain annuities in Holland

Power of attorney from Fredrick Lubbersen to Claes Jansen to collect money due to him from the heirs of Jan Helt at Amsterdam
Power of attorney from Fredrick Lubbersen to Claes Jansen to collect money due to him from the heirs of Jan Helt at Amsterdam

Power of attorney from Charles Morgan to Albert Willem van Sevenhoven to collect from the Zeeland chamber of the West India Company wages earned by him in Brazil
Power of attorney from Charles Morgan to Albert Willem van Sevenhoven to collect from the Zeeland chamber of the West India Company wages earned by him in Brazil

Deed from Thomas Broen to Jan Jansen Damen of a house and lot on Manhattan island, with a receipt for the purchase money
Deed from Thomas Broen to Jan Jansen Damen of a house and lot on Manhattan island, with a receipt for the purchase money

Power of attorney from Arnoldus van Hardenberch to Jan Lourensen Appel and Adriaen Jansen to manage his affairs during his absence, with ratification thereof
Power of attorney from Arnoldus van Hardenberch to Jan Lourensen Appel and Adriaen Jansen to manage his affairs during his absence, with ratification thereof

Bond of Claes Jansen Ruyter and Harmen Douwessen to Willem Turck for merchandise received
Bond of Claes Jansen Ruyter and Harmen Douwessen to Willem Turck for merchandise received

Power of attorney from Jeuriaen Blanck to Isbrant Dircksen Goethardt to collect money from the heirs of Simon Dircksen Pos
Power of attorney from Jeuriaen Blanck to Isbrant Dircksen Goethardt to collect money from the heirs of Simon Dircksen Pos

Power of attorney from Michiel Messer to Gillis Verbrugge to collect money from the directors of the West India Company
Power of attorney from Michiel Messer to Gillis Verbrugge to collect money from the directors of the West India Company

Power of attorney from Pieter Leendersen to Gillis Verbrugge to collect money from the West India Company
Power of attorney from Pieter Leendersen to Gillis Verbrugge to collect money from the West India Company

Power of attorney from Jan Foppen to Gerrit Vastrick to collect wages earned by him in the service of the West India Company
Power of attorney from Jan Foppen to Gerrit Vastrick to collect wages earned by him in the service of the West India Company

Power of attorney from Pieter Cornelissen to Rivert Symonsen Pilles to collect money from the West India Company
Power of attorney from Pieter Cornelissen to Rivert Symonsen Pilles to collect money from the West India Company

Power of attorney from Tobias Rem to Pieter Cornelissen Prins to collect money from the West India Company
Power of attorney from Tobias Rem to Pieter Cornelissen Prins to collect money from the West India Company

Certificate that Pieter Rutten, deceased, was indebted to Claes Jansen
Certificate that Pieter Rutten, deceased, was indebted to Claes Jansen

Power of attorney from Dr. Hans Kierstede to Willem Turck to collect money due him from the West India Company
Power of attorney from Dr. Hans Kierstede to Willem Turck to collect money due him from the West India Company

Power of attorney from Kreger Pisker to Harmen Jansen to collect money due him from the West India Company
Power of attorney from Kreger Pisker to Harmen Jansen to collect money due him from the West India Company

Power of attorney from Maritje Jans, widow of Dirck Cornelissen van Wensveen, to Willem Turck and Seth Verbruggen to collect money due to her late husband from the West India Company
Power of attorney from Maritje Jans, widow of Dirck Cornelissen van Wensveen, to Willem Turck and Seth Verbruggen to collect money due to her late husband from the West India Company

Receipt of Richard Smith for satisfaction of a bond given in behalf of John Wilcox and order of said Smith on skipper Willem Thomassen in favor of Adam Mott
Receipt of Richard Smith for satisfaction of a bond given in behalf of John Wilcox and order of said Smith on skipper Willem Thomassen in favor of Adam Mott

Receipt of Adam Mott, agent of Richard Smith, for money paid by Willem Thomassen, skipper
Receipt of Adam Mott, agent of Richard Smith, for money paid by Willem Thomassen, skipper

Power of attorney from Jan Willemsen Schut to Jan Stevensen to collect money due him from the West India Company
Power of attorney from Jan Willemsen Schut to Jan Stevensen to collect money due him from the West India Company

Power of attorney from Rev. Johannes Backerus to Jacob Jansen Twyver to collect arrears of salary due him by the West India Company
Power of attorney from Rev. Johannes Backerus to Jacob Jansen Twyver to collect arrears of salary due him by the West India Company

Power of attorney from Oloff Stevensen van Cortlandt to Gerrit van Hengst to collect arrears of salary from the West India Company
Power of attorney from Oloff Stevensen van Cortlandt to Gerrit van Hengst to collect arrears of salary from the West India Company

Power of attorney from Hans Fomer to Augustyn Herrman to collect arrears of pay from the West India Company
Power of attorney from Hans Fomer to Augustyn Herrman to collect arrears of pay from the West India Company

Power of attorney from Paulus Leendersen van der Grift to Hans Bartelsen and Simon Evertsen van der Grift to receive a legacy left in Holland to Gysbert Gerritsen
Power of attorney from Paulus Leendersen van der Grift to Hans Bartelsen and Simon Evertsen van der Grift to receive a legacy left in Holland to Gysbert Gerritsen

Power of attorney from Harmen Hendricksen to Gillis Verbrugge to receive from the West India Company money earned by him in New Netherland
Power of attorney from Harmen Hendricksen to Gillis Verbrugge to receive from the West India Company money earned by him in New Netherland

Power of attorney from Evert Tesselaer to Govert Loockermans to sell certain merchandise left in his hands
Power of attorney from Evert Tesselaer to Govert Loockermans to sell certain merchandise left in his hands

Bill of sale from Govert Aertsen to Jacob Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven of the yacht De Liefde
Bill of sale from Govert Aertsen to Jacob Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven of the yacht De Liefde

Power of attorney from Wessel Evertsen to Jannetje Erassimus to collect money due to him by the West India Company
Power of attorney from Wessel Evertsen to Jannetje Erassimus to collect money due to him by the West India Company

Bond of Sander Leendersen to reimburse Willem Turck in beavers for seawan received from him
Bond of Sander Leendersen to reimburse Willem Turck in beavers for seawan received from him

Bond of Philip Jansen Ringo to Isbrant Dircksen Goethardt for the repayment of money loaned to him by said Goethardt
Bond of Philip Jansen Ringo to Isbrant Dircksen Goethardt for the repayment of money loaned to him by said Goethardt

Power of attorney from Jan Jansen from Ditmersen to Jannetje Douwes to receive money left him by Annetje Sipke, his mother
Power of attorney from Jan Jansen from Ditmersen to Jannetje Douwes to receive money left him by Annetje Sipke, his mother

Mortgage of Jacob Roy's house to Gillis Pietersen as security for a loan from Isbrant Dircksen Goethardt for which Gillis Pietersen remained surety
Mortgage of Jacob Roy's house to Gillis Pietersen as security for a loan from Isbrant Dircksen Goethardt for which Gillis Pietersen remained surety

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