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464 Objects

series: century:
Order allowing Elizabethtown, Newark, Woodbridge and Piscattaway, New Jersey to send delegates to surrender to the Dutch
Order allowing Elizabethtown, Newark, Woodbridge and Piscattaway, New Jersey to send delegates to surrender to the Dutch

Order to the village of Bergen to send delegates to surrender to the Dutch
Order to the village of Bergen to send delegates to surrender to the Dutch

Order to the villages of Middletowne and Shrewsbury to send delegates to surrender to the Dutch
Order to the villages of Middletowne and Shrewsbury to send delegates to surrender to the Dutch

Release of the authorities of the city of New Orange from their oath to the English government
Release of the authorities of the city of New Orange from their oath to the English government

Summons to the English towns on Long Island and Westchester to send delegates to New Orange
Summons to the English towns on Long Island and Westchester to send delegates to New Orange

Minute of the submission of the Dutch towns on Long Island and of Staten Island
Minute of the submission of the Dutch towns on Long Island and of Staten Island

Orders to the burghers of New Orange to send delegates to confer with the Dutch commanders
Orders to the burghers of New Orange to send delegates to confer with the Dutch commanders

Commission of Messrs. Steenwyck and five others to be delegates
Commission of Messrs. Steenwyck and five others to be delegates

Order for the nomination of burgomasters and schepens for the city of New Orange
Order for the nomination of burgomasters and schepens for the city of New Orange

Nomination of burgomasters and schepens
Nomination of burgomasters and schepens

Oath of office of the municipal authorities
Oath of office of the municipal authorities

Proclamation altering the form of government of the city of New Orange
Proclamation altering the form of government of the city of New Orange

Privileges granted to the several towns in New Jersey
Privileges granted to the several towns in New Jersey

Appointment of magistrates for Brooklyn and adjoining towns
Appointment of magistrates for Brooklyn and adjoining towns

Proclamation seizing all property belonging to the English or French within the province of New Netherland
Proclamation seizing all property belonging to the English or French within the province of New Netherland

Appointment of magistrates for Bergen, N. J.
Appointment of magistrates for Bergen, N. J.

Order to the inhabitants of Elizabethtown and five neighboring towns to nominate magistrates
Order to the inhabitants of Elizabethtown and five neighboring towns to nominate magistrates

Minute of the qualifying of the magistrates of several towns
Minute of the qualifying of the magistrates of several towns

Petition presented by delegates of Oysterbay, with order granting the same
Petition presented by delegates of Oysterbay, with order granting the same

Appointment of magistrates for Elizabethtown, Woodbridge, Shrewsbury and Newark (N. J.) and Mamaroneck
Appointment of magistrates for Elizabethtown, Woodbridge, Shrewsbury and Newark (N. J.) and Mamaroneck

Oath of office of magistrates
Oath of office of magistrates

Petition of delegates from the five English towns on Long Island
Petition of delegates from the five English towns on Long Island

Answer of the Dutch authorities to the petition of delegates from the five English towns on Long Island
Answer of the Dutch authorities to the petition of delegates from the five English towns on Long Island

Letter from the governor and general assembly of Connecticut to the Dutch authorities at New Orange
Letter from the governor and general assembly of Connecticut to the Dutch authorities at New Orange

Reply from the commander and council of war to the governor and general assembly of Connecticut
Reply from the commander and council of war to the governor and general assembly of Connecticut

Order to the towns on the east end of Long Island to nominate magistrates; appointment of magistrates for Staten Island
Order to the towns on the east end of Long Island to nominate magistrates; appointment of magistrates for Staten Island

Minute of the submission of the proprietors of Shelter and Gardiner's Islands
Minute of the submission of the proprietors of Shelter and Gardiner's Islands

Appointment of magistrates for Piscattaway (N. J.)
Appointment of magistrates for Piscattaway (N. J.)

Order for the settlement of the late gov. Lovelace's accounts
Order for the settlement of the late gov. Lovelace's accounts

Grant of Shelter Island to Nathaniel Silvester
Grant of Shelter Island to Nathaniel Silvester

Oath of allegiance and order to administer the oath to the inhabitants of Long Island
Oath of allegiance and order to administer the oath to the inhabitants of Long Island

Patent to Nathaniel Silvester for Shelter Island
Patent to Nathaniel Silvester for Shelter Island

Appointment of magistrates for East and Westchester
Appointment of magistrates for East and Westchester

Appointment of magistrates for Flushing and adjoining English towns on Long Island
Appointment of magistrates for Flushing and adjoining English towns on Long Island

Order on a petition from Esopus for the government of that district
Order on a petition from Esopus for the government of that district

Petition for privileges from Fort Orange (Albany)
Petition for privileges from Fort Orange (Albany)

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