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Five PROPOSALS concerning Bonaire & Aruba
Five PROPOSALS concerning Bonaire & Aruba

RESOLUTION. On five propositions for the Council of Curaçao concerning Bonaire and Aruba
RESOLUTION. On five propositions for the Council of Curaçao concerning Bonaire and Aruba

RESOLUTION concerning repairs to a yacht, search for seals and inspection of the saltpans on Bonaire
RESOLUTION concerning repairs to a yacht, search for seals and inspection of the saltpans on Bonaire

RESOLUTION against plundering gardens belonging to Blacks and indigenous peoples
RESOLUTION against plundering gardens belonging to Blacks and indigenous peoples

RESOLUTIONS concerning "freedoms and exemptions" granted to freemen
RESOLUTIONS concerning "freedoms and exemptions" granted to freemen

RESOLUTION concerning missions for ships present at Curaçao
RESOLUTION concerning missions for ships present at Curaçao

RESOLUTION permitting Company servants to return to the fatherland, and concerning ship's crews
RESOLUTION permitting Company servants to return to the fatherland, and concerning ship's crews

RESOLUTION concerning relief from the fatherlands
RESOLUTION concerning relief from the fatherlands

RESOLUTION concerning replacement personnel
RESOLUTION concerning replacement personnel

RESOLUTION to send Company blacks to Bonaire and to dispatch a sloop to catch turtles
RESOLUTION to send Company blacks to Bonaire and to dispatch a sloop to catch turtles

RESOLUTION to station military personnel on Bonaire, to appoint a commander for Bonaire, to seek food at neighboring islands
RESOLUTION to station military personnel on Bonaire, to appoint a commander for Bonaire, to seek food at neighboring islands

RESOLUTION to catch turtles
RESOLUTION to catch turtles

RESOLUTION to trade for horses and goats at St. Cruis, to return the blacks from Bonaire, to trade salt for beans
RESOLUTION to trade for horses and goats at St. Cruis, to return the blacks from Bonaire, to trade salt for beans

RESOLUTION concerning replacement of personnel and concerning Spaniards captured on Bonaire
RESOLUTION concerning replacement of personnel and concerning Spaniards captured on Bonaire

RESOLUTION to send a yacht to Aruba, concerning captured Spaniards, employment of a supercargo
RESOLUTION to send a yacht to Aruba, concerning captured Spaniards, employment of a supercargo

RESOLUTION to send a ship to St. Cruis for cassava
RESOLUTION to send a ship to St. Cruis for cassava

RESOLUTION concerning rations and provisions
RESOLUTION concerning rations and provisions

RESOLUTION to send a ship to St. Cruis for cattle
RESOLUTION to send a ship to St. Cruis for cattle

RESOLUTION concerning rationing of provisions, Spanish prisoners, employment of personnel
RESOLUTION concerning rationing of provisions, Spanish prisoners, employment of personnel

RESOLUTION concerning naval operations, establishing a day of prayer, retaining a flyboat in service, Spanish prisoners, employment of a pilot
RESOLUTION concerning naval operations, establishing a day of prayer, retaining a flyboat in service, Spanish prisoners, employment of a pilot

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