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14 Objects

decade: year: series:
Ordinance prohibiting the slaughtering of cattle without a permit
Ordinance prohibiting the slaughtering of cattle without a permit

Ordinance for the more effectual collection of duties on exported peltries
Ordinance for the more effectual collection of duties on exported peltries

Ordinance against conventicles and meetings other than the authorized reformed religion
Ordinance against conventicles and meetings other than the authorized reformed religion

Ordinance for the better collection of the fees of the weigh house at New Amsterdam
Ordinance for the better collection of the fees of the weigh house at New Amsterdam

Ordinance regulating the fees of the weigh house and the duties of the weigh master
Ordinance regulating the fees of the weigh house and the duties of the weigh master

Ordinance establishing the duties to be paid to the farmer of the excise on exported liquors
Ordinance establishing the duties to be paid to the farmer of the excise on exported liquors

Ordinance for the payment of tenths
Ordinance for the payment of tenths

Ordinance requiring all vessels and persons to take out a permit and to pay duties on exported furs and liquors before sailing from New Amsterdam
Ordinance requiring all vessels and persons to take out a permit and to pay duties on exported furs and liquors before sailing from New Amsterdam

Ordinance for the more effectual prevention of smuggling at the port of New Amsterdam
Ordinance for the more effectual prevention of smuggling at the port of New Amsterdam

Ordinance regulating certain fees payable at the public store in New Amsterdam
Ordinance regulating certain fees payable at the public store in New Amsterdam

Ordinance establishing a weekly market at New Amsterdam
Ordinance establishing a weekly market at New Amsterdam

Ordinance for the officers and soldiers of the director-general's company
Ordinance for the officers and soldiers of the director-general's company

Ordinance regulating the rate at which beavers are to be received in payment of duties
Ordinance regulating the rate at which beavers are to be received in payment of duties

Ordinance amending the laws for the better observance of the Sabbath; against the sale of liquors to indigenous peoples, and regulating the assize of bread and the trade of baking
Ordinance amending the laws for the better observance of the Sabbath; against the sale of liquors to indigenous peoples, and regulating the assize of bread and the trade of baking

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