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72 Objects

century: series:
Ordinance renewing sundry ordinances which have fallen into disuse
Ordinance renewing sundry ordinances which have fallen into disuse

Ordinance against drinking during divine service or after nine o'clock in the evening
Ordinance against drinking during divine service or after nine o'clock in the evening

Ordinance against furnishing strong drink to indigenous peoples and for the proper preservation of fences
Ordinance against furnishing strong drink to indigenous peoples and for the proper preservation of fences

Ordinance regulating the port of New Amsterdam, the loading and unloading of ships, and establishing passes
Ordinance regulating the port of New Amsterdam, the loading and unloading of ships, and establishing passes

Ordinance regulating buildings in New Amsterdam
Ordinance regulating buildings in New Amsterdam

Ordinance prohibiting brewers to be tapsters or to sell beer by retail
Ordinance prohibiting brewers to be tapsters or to sell beer by retail

Ordinance prohibiting wooden chimneys and appointing firewardens in New Amsterdam
Ordinance prohibiting wooden chimneys and appointing firewardens in New Amsterdam

Ordinance for regulating taverns and granting licenses
Ordinance for regulating taverns and granting licenses

Ordinance against goats and hogs running at large in New Amsterdam
Ordinance against goats and hogs running at large in New Amsterdam

Ordinance for the stricter observance of the Sabbath
Ordinance for the stricter observance of the Sabbath

 Ordinance renewing the ordinance against furnishing strong drink to indigenous peoples
Ordinance renewing the ordinance against furnishing strong drink to indigenous peoples

Ordinance for the better prevention of fires in New Amsterdam
Ordinance for the better prevention of fires in New Amsterdam

Ordinance for the recovery of wages by indigenous peoples
Ordinance for the recovery of wages by indigenous peoples

Ordinance against harboring or employing other people's indented servants
Ordinance against harboring or employing other people's indented servants

Ordinance for the speedier erection of buildings on vacant lots in New Amsterdam
Ordinance for the speedier erection of buildings on vacant lots in New Amsterdam

Ordinance requiring permits for the removal of wine or beer
Ordinance requiring permits for the removal of wine or beer

Ordinance regulating the baking and sale of bread
Ordinance regulating the baking and sale of bread

Ordinance regulating the currency
Ordinance regulating the currency

Ordinance for the better regulation of the currency
Ordinance for the better regulation of the currency

Ordinance regulating the assize of bread and the price of wine, brandy, etc. in New Amsterdam
Ordinance regulating the assize of bread and the price of wine, brandy, etc. in New Amsterdam

Ordinance regulating the driving of carts, wagons and sleighs in New Amsterdam
Ordinance regulating the driving of carts, wagons and sleighs in New Amsterdam

Ordinance against boarding ships arriving at New Amsterdam before the same are entered
Ordinance against boarding ships arriving at New Amsterdam before the same are entered

Ordinance regulating the purchase of lands from indigenous peoples and vacating and annulling several grants
Ordinance regulating the purchase of lands from indigenous peoples and vacating and annulling several grants

Ordinance against firing at partridges or other game within the limits of New Amsterdam
Ordinance against firing at partridges or other game within the limits of New Amsterdam

Ordinance for the more general planting of wheat, corn, and other grains
Ordinance for the more general planting of wheat, corn, and other grains

Ordinance for the publication of a certain ordinance of last October against the wasteful and unprofitable consumption of grain in Renselaerwyck
Ordinance for the publication of a certain ordinance of last October against the wasteful and unprofitable consumption of grain in Renselaerwyck

Ordinance increasing the excise on wines and strong liquors
Ordinance increasing the excise on wines and strong liquors

Ordinance amending the preceding ordinance on the excise of wines and strong liquors
Ordinance amending the preceding ordinance on the excise of wines and strong liquors

Ordinance fixing the rate at which goods are to be sold in New Amsterdam
Ordinance fixing the rate at which goods are to be sold in New Amsterdam

Ordinance annulling banns of marriage published in places where the parties have not been residents during the previous year
Ordinance annulling banns of marriage published in places where the parties have not been residents during the previous year

Ordinance imposing duties on indigenous goods, wine, brandy, etc.
Ordinance imposing duties on indigenous goods, wine, brandy, etc.

Ordinance against harboring pirates or vagabonds; for arresting the same, and providing for the public safety
Ordinance against harboring pirates or vagabonds; for arresting the same, and providing for the public safety

Ordinance regulating the Ferry at the Manhattans
Ordinance regulating the Ferry at the Manhattans

Ordinance regulating the duties of the provost marshal of Fort Amsterdam
Ordinance regulating the duties of the provost marshal of Fort Amsterdam

Ordinance imposing a tax on land and cattle
Ordinance imposing a tax on land and cattle

Ordinance against furnishing liquors to indigenous peoples
Ordinance against furnishing liquors to indigenous peoples

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