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20 Objects

decade: series: year:
Petition of George Klock for a land survey, 1785
Petition of George Klock for a land survey, 1785

Affidavit of Joshua Mersereau regarding land ownership, 1785
Affidavit of Joshua Mersereau regarding land ownership, 1785

Abstract of letters patent granted to Isaac Sawyer, John Bleecker, Abraham Lansing and others, 1785
Abstract of letters patent granted to Isaac Sawyer, John Bleecker, Abraham Lansing and others, 1785

Affidavit of Samuel Robinson regarding land survey for William Shepherd, 1785
Affidavit of Samuel Robinson regarding land survey for William Shepherd, 1785

Affidavit of Seth Nye regarding of land sold by William Shephard, 1785
Affidavit of Seth Nye regarding of land sold by William Shephard, 1785

Affidavit of Aaron Benedict regarding land owned by William Shephard, 1785
Affidavit of Aaron Benedict regarding land owned by William Shephard, 1785

Certification of Benedict Sweet and others regarding land owned by William Shephard, 1785
Certification of Benedict Sweet and others regarding land owned by William Shephard, 1785

Petition of Peter Stewart, for a grant of land pursuant to the royal proclamation, undated (mid 18th century)
Petition of Peter Stewart, for a grant of land pursuant to the royal proclamation, undated (mid 18th century)

List of soldiers who have petitioned for land between Rattle Snake Den and Bay de Roches Fendu
List of soldiers who have petitioned for land between Rattle Snake Den and Bay de Roches Fendu

Affidavit of Charles John Evans respecting the will of Martha Bradstreet, 1785
Affidavit of Charles John Evans respecting the will of Martha Bradstreet, 1785

Affidavits of Simon Metcalfe, respecting John Bradstreet's land, 1785
Affidavits of Simon Metcalfe, respecting John Bradstreet's land, 1785

Wrapper for papers relating to the controversy between the heirs of General Bradstreet and the proprietors of the Hardenburgh Patent
Wrapper for papers relating to the controversy between the heirs of General Bradstreet and the proprietors of the Hardenburgh Patent

Papers relating to a petition of Johannes Hardenbergh for land in Ulster county
Papers relating to a petition of Johannes Hardenbergh for land in Ulster county

Copy of Indian deed to Johannes Hardenberg for land in Ulster County
Copy of Indian deed to Johannes Hardenberg for land in Ulster County

Request for a hearing by Johannes Hardenbergh
Request for a hearing by Johannes Hardenbergh

Proceedings of the colonial council, regarding petitions for purchasing land from the Indians
Proceedings of the colonial council, regarding petitions for purchasing land from the Indians

Certified copy of an Indian deed to Thomas Palmer and associates
Certified copy of an Indian deed to Thomas Palmer and associates

Certified copy of an Indian deed to John Bergen and his associates, 1772
Certified copy of an Indian deed to John Bergen and his associates, 1772

Map of Fort Hunter, New York, 1785
Map of Fort Hunter, New York, 1785

Copy of petition of Joseph Totten and Stephen Crossfield
Copy of petition of Joseph Totten and Stephen Crossfield

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